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Last day to use Preorders Code for $5 off shipping

Published By Mushroom Angel

We hope this post finds you well. Today is the last day to use the PREORDER5 code. Preorders end today. We are shifting gears to begin fulfilling preorders and getting them shipped.

Packaging and shipments will happen over the next two weeks. We project all preorders to be completed before the end of the month. If there are any unexpected delays, we will be in communication. We have more than 100 preorders to fulfill. We thank you in advance for your patience. It is very important for us to ensure that you receive your preorders in the freshest and finest way possible. First impressions mean everything to us!

More on the Preorder Fulfillment Process
What to Expect
Completed – Once your preorder has been packed and labeled by us, you will get an email notification that your preorder status has changed to completed.
Shipped – Once UPS picks up your order for delivery, you will get an additional email notification that your preorder status has changed to shipped with tracking details. In this email, you will get access to our shipping portal to see real-time updates of your preorder whereabouts. All preorders are projected to take 2-days for delivery.
Delivered – Once UPS delivers your package, you will get the last email notification that your preorder status has changed to delivered. Please monitor your preorder delivery status because Cruz Burgers must immediately be frozen until ready to cook.

For Curbside Pickup
If you placed a preorder for curbside pickup, you will be contacted within the next 24 hours if you haven’t already received a text. We will be arranging a time for drop-off (depending on distance) or pickup at Eastern Market this Sunday.

What’s Next?
All orders placed after today will be fulfilled starting July 2021. More updates will be shared soon. In the meantime, keep posted for a How to Cook Cruz Burgers video and digital cookbook.

Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

Shipping Address

Shipping Methods