Old School
Veggie Burger,
New School

Made with Portobello Mushrooms

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We’re solving the fight between whole foods & processed foods with mushrooms

Made with Portobello Mushrooms

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Eastern Market Saturdays

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As Seen on

Real Tasty-monials

Listen to what people have to say about our whole foods made from mushrooms

Fly High Like

Angels, Share

the Good Gospel

of Mushrooms

Our mission is to create whole foods made from mushrooms that cut and bite like meat, but taste like veggies.

We are not looking to produce fake meat or foods that are too fragile to cut and eat like most veggie products in the marketplace. Our products have the taste, texture and time of cook that will have you singing praises about mushrooms.


Where to Find Us

Available across six Midwest states in 120+ locations

We're solving the fight between whole foods and processed foods with mushrooms.

After more than a decade together and three children later, we joke that the biggest spats we’ve had as a couple centered around food because of our very different taste palettes. That’s before I, Wendy, who initially didn’t like mushrooms in a twist of events, inspired the first mushroom burger, Cruz Burgers, and Dominique perfected it. We realized that the fight wasn’t limited to our household.

Our Story

Whole foods

made from mushrooms

There’s no need to engineer food in the lab when we’ve figured out
taste, texture and time. This is what makes us different.



Pre-seasoned with organic spices as opposed to "natural flavors", where as much as 20% are mysterious ingredients mixed in laboratories.



Made with a variety of mushrooms to achieve fleshlike mouthfeel without engineering.



Has a range in cook from rare to well-done in 10 to 15 minutes max.

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