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We hit a milestone - our first check

Published By Mushroom Angel

We hit a milestone yesterday.

We received our first check from our first grocery store for Cruz Burgers!

It’s hard to share on social media the trials and tribulations you experience behind the scenes when you are constantly challenged by God to walk by faith and not by sight; and to live at the level of your consciousness and not your circumstances.

At the peak of COVID-19, our household was reduced by 6-figures to one income, both children began homeschooling, and soon after learned of our pregnancy. Through prayer and advising,  and I made the choice to take a family recipe that was developed during a spiritual fast during the pandemic to market.

We didn’t have a food license.
We didn’t have a commercial kitchen.
We didn’t have any machinery.
We didn’t have packaging.
We didn’t have any food education.
We didn’t have a pool of investors.
We didn’t have a name for the product.
We didn’t have a legal business structure for the new venture.
We didn’t have a list of wholesale suppliers for ingredients.
We didn’t have any connections to grocery stores.

We just had our faith and the commitment we made years ago when we married to create a life we desired together.

We openly share our journey with you to remind you that God is faithful and His word never falls to the ground.

We’re here to remind you that sometimes God will reduce you to increase you.

We’re here to remind you that you have everything you need to be and do everything you want in this life.

We’re here to remind you that no matter what life brings at you, Keep Cruz’n!

Thank you to all the many people who have poured into us. Know that your love and investment in us will not go in vain and that it will touch many lives/communities around the world. And thank you to all our Cruz Burgers customers and reviewers for loving our product.

When you see us smile together, know we’ve pushed through our fair share of tears.

I’ve spent the last 6 years of my tech company The VGC Group behind the scenes helping to build so many companies to 6 and 7 figures online in the US & Africa . It feels good to do it again but this time for our family name.

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