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We sold out of stock in the first week!

Published By Mushroom Angel

From crossing paths at an entrepreneurial conference in Los Angeles at the ages of 19 and Dominique Da’Cruz 24  back in ’09, to four years of courtship to marriage in ’13, to a move from the East Coast to Detroit in ’16, to launching Cruz Burgers in a pandemic in ’20 (birthing 3 children along the way), it’s been a ride but we’re excited that our journey together gets to positively impact people from all walks of life through healthier eating.


Who knew our fights about how to eat and what to eat would bring us closer together. It’s a beautiful reminder that even when life gets tough, #KeepCruzin! All pun intended. We’ve had our fair share of rough patches and moments of unknown. But, we’re humbly reminded that you can’t starve a bond made in heaven that God is feeding.


Our Grand Opening demo at Rivertown Market by  Meijer  was a huge success. We ran out of STOCK. We’ll be restocking this week and we are working swiftly to scale our productions to meet all the demands at the markets and grocery stores. 


Thanks to everyone for your unwavering  support to our journey. We promise to never give up! 


Follow us on all social media platforms and tell a friend about our conveniently delicious and nutritious plant-based patties made from mushrooms. 


Lastly, thank you especially to my business partner Naomi Jordan Cook and our team at Virtual Global Consultant Group which is behind our eCommerce website, designs, marketing, etc.

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