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Traditional Tacos

Published By Mushroom Angel Support


What makes a taco unique is choosing your favorite toppings. In this case, we sautéed peppers and onions with balsamic vinaigrette and a tad of cane brown sugar in an air fryer. Gage with your eyes how much you want to add based on the level of seasoning you want your peppers and onions caramelized. 

Chop up your lettuce and other toppings of choice.

Cruz Chop

Preheat a large frying pan to medium-high heat, 350 - 375 degrees, with a tablespoon of oil. Thaw completely for about 10 to 15 minutes 4 oz Cruz Chop. Please the thawed Cruz Chop into your frying pan and with a spatula, cut it up and flip it around until charred to your liking. Cruz Chop has a wide range in cook from "rare" to well-done. Depending on your preference, leave it on the frying pan for as long as you want.

Flour Tortilla

Butter up a frying pan and sear the tortilla for one to two minutes until nicely golden. Be careful not to burn in order to keep the tortilla flexible.

Completed Dish

Stack all your favorite into your taco and add your sauce of choice. Start with the Cruz Chop and then stack from there to enjoy!


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